[Alpha] How can I modify my preferences, my information and others?

Clicking on your avatar at the top right corner of the page leads you to the management of various preferences regarding your account. Note that parameters to projects do not take place at this place.

Your avatar upon your first log in looks like that:

As you click on it you may acts on the following:

  1. My Projects
    Is a simple link to access your active projects
  2. My company
    If you did not already fill that part at your first log in, you can specify your company information here. In case you change of Company you also update this information here.
  3. The Services I offer
    You might have several areas of expertise.
    In this section you can specify a specific job, on specific dates and specific geographical locations on which you are available to work.
  4. User Preferences
    You may choose how often you receive notification emails.
    You may choose the language of emails that emanates from you.
    You may choose the colour of the platform. This is very handy when you have multiple accounts.
  5. My Details
    You must provide your First Name.
    You must provide your Last Name.
    You may provide your position. This field is not mandatory.
    You must provide your job. Just select the right one in the drop down menu. In case your job is not on the list, send us a message so that we update this list.
    You may choose a photo for your avatar.
    In case your email has not been verified, you can request your email verification.
  6. Notification History
    Links you to your ‘Action Required’ and ‘Information’ history.

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