Vincent Douvier

What is so special about Corrin?

With Corrin you do not have to change the way you work, your habits, Corrin adapts to each single stakeholders. In this regard the learning curve is very minimum.   Corrin revolutionizes: – The way all participants work together – The way budgets are tracked and monitored – The way negotiations are conducted – The way specifications and procurement are …

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Why Corrin?

The existing process in procurement is far from being linear as:  – it involves many stakeholders from very various fields of expertise  – it involves many products and/or services that evolve and vary over the course of time, especially for long term projects (> 2 years). Most of the times, even close to completion of a project, there …

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What is Corrin?

Corrin is a cloud based collaborative digital companion that integrates specifications and sourcing for products or services in a single workflow.Corrin is not your everyday procurement software as it also integrates the design and operational processes.